rebecca giger Studio.

Helping artisans, makers & design-focused brands craft a captivating, easy-to-manage online presence.

Easeful one-week website builds and Design Days so you can get back to what you love best - creating.

Creating online spaces that bring together your unique objects and the people meant to meet them


I believe in the potential and magic of connecting the digital space with the workshops, ateliers and studios of artisans and makers.

Not only can it be a tool to bring the transformative power of craft to more people, it can also help preserve and make flourish traditional skills and empower the small businesses who practice them.

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about the studio

Hello there! I am Rebecca, welcome to my studio, where the digital and analog worlds seamlessly blend.

I am a self-taught web designer & developer, multi-passioned creative, and an introvert with a curious spirit. My mission is simple: to empower artisans and makers by creating beautiful, user-friendly and goal-rooted websites.

With first-hand experience running a small product-based business, I know the challenges you face and understand the overwhelm that can come with setting up an online presence.

Let’s work together to find more clarity and ease in your business.


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One-Week Website

Showcase your unique craft, get found by your dream customers and finally get a website that works for you and not the other way around - all done in one week.

Built on the base of one of my strategically crafted in-house base designs, we will create an enchanting online home to be proud of.

Design Days

If you have an existing website that needs a refresh, an additional page, custom code features, or other design attention, a Design Day is perfect for you. We will collate a list of tasks together and I will focus exclusively on you and your website to-dos,

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Studio Aesthetic
