About the studio


I am Rebecca, your creative collaborator and digital craftswoman, here to help you create an enchanting online home.

I am a self-taught web designer & developer, multi-passioned creative, and an introvert with a curious spirit.

My Story

The desire to build an unconventional, creativity-filled life has always been a guiding light. It has taken me across different countries and given me a unique mix of experiences.

I worked for many years as an IP legal assistant, interned at two major fashion brands, been a (very bad) barista at a café/bookstore, studied at one of the top drama schools in England and at Textile College in Switzerland and co-founded a slow fashion label for petite women.

What propels me forward is the search for and the need to bring a sense of wonder and beauty to everything - even and especially the seemingly mundane & trivial.

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My journey into web design & development began while maintaining my former fashion label's website. I have since honed my coding skills (CSS, basic Javascript, HTML, and soon Liquid) through various courses and hands-on practice.

Like any craftsperson, learning from masters of the trade is invaluable. I've been fortunate to gain insights from so many generous and supporting folks online, in particular Rache from Squarestylist and the Standout Squarespace & Shopify community.

Beyond Work

When I am not wrangling with websites and code, you will likely find me reading, roaming through a forest, embracing my love for historic & vintage fashion, admiring Old Master paintings or dreaming about renovating an old house.

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kindred spirits

Collaborations thrive when principles align, so if mine below strike a chord then we are off to a good start. If you also value a gentle and introspective communication style, we'll make a great team. My client process is well-defined and thoughtfully guided, yet also allows for a calm way to gather your assets, thoughts and feedback. Does this sound like the ideal approach to bring your website vision to life?

“I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life.”

- Virginia Woolf

I am here to support fellow creatives and makers, so their businesses can thrive and give them fulfillment, freedom and ease .

Why focus on artisans and makers?

Art in all its forms, whether in performance, applied forms, or other creative expressions, has always held a special place in my heart.

My own craft(s) have allowed me to build a great life and led me on enchanting journeys.

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Guiding principles